Friday, March 29, 2019
Environmental attitude and environmental behaviour
Environ custodytal pose and environmental doings guessworkIn existing literature, environmental view is comm exactly understood as a cognitive judgment towards the value of environmental protection. Contrasting results defend been found amidst environmental stead and deportment. While some researchers crap claimed a executeive cor congeneric between environmental berth and environmental behaviour (Kotchen and Reiling, 2000), others pretend concluded that the consanguinity is either moderate or tenuous (Davis, 1995). The contradictory results in studies of the birth between environmental strength and behaviour suggest that further studies are needed to confirm the family between environmental status and behaviour.Thus, base on the view in majority of the literature retrospected, our hypothesis is H1 Eco congenial situation unequivocally moves eco lucky behaviour.Though it has been debated whether ken reckons placement or spot affects sense. But it is in -chief( authoritynominal) to note that after developing an attitude, the sentiency in terms of recognizing and observe different things about the topic comes into picture. This is especially valid for a rural area standardized India where these things are increasely gaining understanding. Let us understand the pretend of attitude on awareness through this simple sheath. A savant has a class on environmental issues. To be specific, the teacher discusses an example of how pesticides enter the human body through food consumption and fundamental foods can help in reducing these toxic levels and lead to a healthy living. The student develops a positive attitude towards organic foods because of this knowledge. This positive attitude testament lead to him subconsciously noting organic foods when in the superstore. This is what awareness is. Eco kindly attitude has an pertain on the level of environmental awareness. Thus, establish on the literature, our hypothesis is H2 A posit ive attitude towards the environment will positively touch on the level of environmental awareness.Eco friendly behaviour is delimitate to the consumption of products that are beneficial to the environment (Mostafa, 2007). Past studies accommodate examined what factors affect environmental behaviour in general (Johnson et al., 2004). According to these studies, environmental awareness can be an important factor towards determining eco friendly behaviour. (Chan, 2001).Thus, based on the literature, our hypothesis is H3 environmental awareness positively furbish ups eco friendly behaviour.In this psychoanalyze we intend to explore the relationship between eco friendly attitude and behaviour. It has been generally seen that though environmental attitude is fairly high now, eco friendly behaviour does not show such high levels. This has been referred to as the attitude behaviour gap. (Alwitt and Pitts, 1996). Many studies guard been conducted to explore this gap and what varying s can be utilize to explain this. environmental awareness is one of those variables. (Chan, 2001) This discover explores the impression of environmental awareness as a factor that mediates the impact of attitude on behaviour. Thus, based on the literature, our hypothesis is H4environmental Awareness mediates the relationship between eco friendly attitude and eco friendly behaviour.Certain literary work have evidenced that women reported importantly to a great extent participation in general environmental behaviour and specific green consumption than men (Maineri, 1997). Certain take in studies of western countries have shown that egg-producing(prenominal)s express to a greater extent positive attitudes towards the environment than males do (Tikka, 2007). Additional evidence also provides that women report stronger environmental attitudes than men across age and across 14 countries (Argentina, Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, the United States and Venezuela) (Zelezny, 2000). A recent research conducted also claimed that female adolescent consumers scored pregnantly higher(prenominal) in environmental attitude (leeward, 2009). follow numbers of males and females expressed a positive attitude towards organic foods match to study by (Dahm, Samonte and Shows, 2009). This finding varies somewhat from the literature, which identifies females as being more aware and having stronger attitudes about organic foods.Thus, based on the literature, our hypothesis is We have stated the hypothesis by breaking it into leash sub-hypotheses.H5/A The impact of eco friendly attitude on environmental awareness is more in baptistry of Indian female consumers than their male counterparts.H5/B The impact of environmental awareness on eco friendly behaviour is more in grammatical bailiwick of Indian female consumers than their male counterparts.H5/C The impact of eco friendly attitude on eco friendly behaviour is more in case of Indian female consumers than their male counterparts. explore Design MethodsOperationalization of Constructs and VariablesThe figure shows a diagrammatical representation of our research simulate. The definition of each of the constructs according to our interpretation is mentioned below.Eco- gracious positioning (EFA)Eco-friendly attitude (EFA) aims to measure the cognitive judgment of the respondent towards the value of environmental protection. It is the prerequisite to eco-friendly demeanor (EFB). This is because the person should exhibit some environment friendly attitude before he takes definite shouts towards improving the environment thus is considered as the in mutualist construct in the model. Eco- hospitable Behavior (EFB)Eco-friendly look (EFB) measures respondents readiness to take specific actions for environmental protection. These include consumers willingness to buy organic products, products which are certified environme ntally-safe. High eco-friendly attitude whitethorn or may not lead to eco-friendly behavior and hence latter forms the dependent construct under study.Environmental Awareness (EA)Environmental awareness/consciousness (EA) measures the awareness level of the respondent about environment and current environmental problems. A person with high environmental awareness realizes that an effort is required, both at an individual level and organization level, to improve general environmental conditions. sexualityThe variable gender has been obviously taken into ii categories male and female. idealA exemplification of 180 students in the age group 20-30 years, doing a post graduate course in Business management or equivalent participated in a questionnaire which inquired about their attitude towards the environment, awareness and get behavior regarding eco-friendly products. The sample consisted of 102 male and 78 female respondents. The questionnaire was administered through the network and responses were directly received.MeasuresThe above mentioned constructs were thrifty by a five channelise Likert scale wherein respondents were asked to mark their responses from 1 (Strongly Disagree or not at all ) to 5 (Strong Agree or definitely).Eco-friendly attitude (EFA) Respondents eco-friendly attitude was measured with a five-point Likert scale (1 indicates Strongly Disagree 5 Strong Agree) developed by Sweeney et al. (2001). The scale had 7 items. A sample item is It is actually important to raise environmental awareness among Indians.Eco-friendly behavior (EFB) Respondents eco-friendly behavior was measured with a five-point likert scale (1 indicates Strongly Disagree 5 Strong Agree) developed by Sweeney et al. (2001). The scale had 6 items. A sample item is I often buy products which are labeled environmentally safe.Environmental awareness/consciousness (EA) Respondents environmental awareness was measured with a five-point Likert scale (1 indicates Not at all 5 definitely) developed by Vlosky et al. (1999). The scale had 5 items. A sample item is I take that environmental information on packaging is important.Gender was directly measured from a single question.The entire questionnaire is presented in Appendix A. synopsisWe have frontmost of all conducted a reliability test for each of the three scales. Then for the intent of our interinter mediation abbreviation we have used a four step method that was developed by Kenny et al. (1998) and Baron and Kenny (1986) for the purpose of mediation abstract. This consists of four steps. In the first step we have used Eco Friendly side as the supreme variable to predict the dependent variable Eco Friendly Behaviour employ linear degeneration. In the gage step we have used Eco Friendly Attitude as the independent variable and used it to regress Environmental Awareness. The third step comprises of regressing Eco Friendly Behaviour utilize Environmental Awareness as the predictor variab le. The final exam step comprises of regressing Eco Friendly Behaviour using both Eco Friendly Attitude and Environmental Awareness to determine the mediating topic of Environmental Awareness. ResultsReported in Table1 are the means, SD, correlations and internal consistency measure (Cronbachs ). From the table we can all the way see that EA and EFB are very strongly cor related to with each other. take down both of these are correlated with EFA but the extent of correlation of EFA is comparatively lower with EA and even lower with EFB hinting at a possible mediation of the EFA and EFB relation by EA. But a conclusive decision regarding the mediation can only be taken after we perform regression outline for the same. Table 1 Means, SDs, correlations and Cronbachs .S. No. VariablesMeanSD123Alpha ()1Eco Friendly Attitude27.193.770.7522Environmental Awareness19.523.70.6060.7973Eco Friendly behaviour18.894.470.4570.7380.847Going forward, the regression analysis is presented in Table 2. In the first step we regress for EFB using EFA as a predictor or independent variable. The results show that the impact of EFA on EFB is hearty (since pIn the second step we regressed for EA using EFA as a predictor or independent variable. The results show that EFA significantly impacted EA (since pIn the third step we regressed for EFB using the mediating variable EA as a predictor variable. The results over again show a significant relation between the two which shows that the mediating variable here is significantly related to the criterion variable. Thus dead reckoning 3 is supported.In the final step we regressed for EFB using both EA and EFA as predictor variables to comment on mediation effect. EFA significantly affected EFB and EA as seen in step 1 and 2 but became non-significantly related to EFB in this step (p=0.7950.01). The same is emphasized by the fact that the consequence of the impact of EA on EFB is still significant (p=0.000). hence this shows complete m ediation of the relation between EFA and EFB by EA. The mediation effect comes to 0.440 for EFA for its relationship with EFB. The Z-score using the Sobel calculator turns out to be 7.63 which is often greater than 1.96. thus the mediation is significant at 1% level of significance (two-tailed). thus hypothesis 4 is supported.Table 2 Regression Analysis Results for measuring the mediation effect.RUnstandardized Standardized Significance Change in flavor 1 0.2090.5420.4570.000 dance step 20.3670.5940.6060.000Step 30.5450.8930.7380.000Step 40.5450.880.7280.000Step 40.5450.020.0170.7950.44Once the mediation analysis is realized we now move to analysis of another important part of our model which is moderation of the relationships between EFA, EA and EFB by gender. Table 3 shows the regression re-performed by the piece for the male and the female samples. The mediation analysis again is shown to be significant in both the cases taken separately as seen from the fact that the fir st three relations are significant and in the step 4, the relation between EA and EFB is still significant showing that full mediation exists. The mediation effect turns out to be 0.62 in case of females and 0.322 in case of males. The Z-score comes to 6.38 in case of females and 4.57 in case of males. This shows that the mediation is significant in both the cases. Table 3 Regression Analysis Results for measuring the mediation effect (Female/Male).RUnstandardized Standardized Significance Change in Step 1 0.315/0.1440.719/0.4240.561/0.3790.000/0.000Step 20.519/0.2620.839/0.4270.720/0.5120.000/0.000Step 30.670/0.4330.900/0.8830.818/0.6570.000/0.000Step 40.671/0.4350.947/0.8440.861/0.6280.000/0.000Step 40.671/0.436(-)0.076/0.064(-)0.059/0.0570.537/0.5160.62/0.322The standardized coefficient is shown for all the relationships in our model in the Figure 1 for both the male and the female set of respondents. The standardized coefficient clearly shows that for female respondents the i mpact of EFA on EFB is substantially higher than in the case of male respondents. The same is observed in case of the relationship between EFA and EA as well as between EA and EFB. Hence Hypothesis 5(a), 5(b) and 5(c) are supported. the Male/ Female set of respondents. Discussions and ImplicationsThe study conducted above canvas the impact of Eco Friendly Attitude on Eco Friendly Behaviour and mediation of the relationship by Environmental Awareness in the context of the Indian youth studying in the post graduate schools of the country. Very trivial study, if any, has been conducted on this topic in the Indian Context so much so that only in 2009 has research started in Asia-Pacific by Kaman Lee (2009) on the same. This report provides a valuable insight into the topic for marketers as well as for early studies conducted in India. As can been seen from the analysis conducted above Eco Friendly Attitude seems to have a positive impact on Eco Friendly Behaviour which is consistent with the study conducted by Kotchen and Reiling (2000). This is very logical in the sense that people with a gold attitude towards eco friendly products can be expected to have eco friendly behaviour even in spite of the extra price may be monetary or opportunistic that they have to pay for such behaviour. To have a better understanding of the topic we introduced Environmental Awareness as another construct and tried to find its role as a mediator. The first induction that came out of the same was that an Eco Friendly Attitude would connote a higher Environmental Awareness. This is in direct agreement to the study conducted by Mittal (1989). The logic behind the same is that an attitude would act as a motivation for them to learn more about these products hence increasing their awareness.The next conclusion that comes directly from the results is that Environmental Awareness leads to Eco Friendly Behaviour. This is again consistent with the study conducted by Chan (2001). This ma kes sense because people with more awareness about eco friendly products can be expected to have favourable purchasing behaviour towards the same.The results also establish the mediation of the relation between Eco Friendly Attitude and Eco Friendly Behaviour is being mediated by Environmental Awareness which is consistent with the studies conducted by Alwitt and Pitts (1996). This stresses on the importance of delivery about awareness about Eco Friendly Products among consumers. The conclusion that can be drawn here is that awareness about these products is more important than only an attitude towards the same. The results also show gender specific implications for each of these relationships. From the analysis for female consumers impact of attitude on behaviour seems to be higher which is in direct accordance with the study conducted by various authors like Maineri (1997) etc. mentioned in the literature review. The same is true to the other two relationships between Eco Friendl y Attitude Environmental Awareness and between Environmental Awareness and Eco Friendly Behaviour. This makes sense because prominently household purchasing is do by females and hence there is a higher probability of attitude being converted to purchasing behaviour. Again females have been seen to exhibit more seriousness towards such issues as expressed in the literature review and hence the case.India is set to see a substantial increase in the market for eco friendly products. The study has great relevance for Indian marketers because this study emphasizes on the fact that awareness plays a key role in behaviour. This is a positive boost to the importance of environment awareness campaigns in bringing about eco friendly behaviour. This justifies the use of such campaigns in the wedge for to create a host of environment friendly consumers.The fact that the impact of such awareness on behaviour is more in case of female consumers hints to the marketers about the possible benefit of manoeuvreing that segment of the consumers. The obvious conclusion from the above research is that the benefit from conversion of awareness and attitude to behaviour would be more in case of female consumers and marketing campaigns should be made to influence this particular market segment.Limitations, Scope for Future Research and ConclusionFirstlythe primary data collection was done among a restricted age group (20-30 years) and hence the same cannot be reason out for all the other age groups. Similar studies need to be conducted among other age groups as well. Secondlythe same is valid for the educational background. As for the purpose of this study we had only approached students from B-Schools or other equivalent post graduate schools. Hence this result cannot be generalized for other sections of the society. thirdthere might be an influence of cultural behaviour on survey results as the same is restricted to Indian cities. Hence for generalizability of the results, futur e studies should take into account the cultural influence on different variables. fourthThe media used for the dissemination of the questionnaire in our case is internet because of the scarcity of time. Hence this might have restricted a few of the respondents from our target group. A parallel on-paper questionnaire could have provided a more comprehensive sample from the target group. But for the restricted category of people from which our sample was taken and which forms a substantial market for eco friendly products the results hold true. Thus for this section Eco Friendly Attitude positively impacts Eco Friendly Behaviour and the same is moderated by Environmental Awareness. The impacts are much higher in female consumers compared to male consumers. Hence female consumers should ideally be the target of marketers to eco friendly products who try to bm in awareness about eco friendly products to people having positive attitude towards the same.
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